Saturday, April 21, 2007

陳奕迅 - 富士山下

陳奕迅 - 富士山下

I tried and tried. But the lyrics just won't appear correctly up here.
They are the most beautiful yet.

Go here if you're interested at all.
There's a brief explanation but the translated lyrics in english doesn't even measure up. The music video doesn't quite justify the song either.

Lyrics are written in cantonese form but is still understandable if you read it the chinese way.


Monday, April 16, 2007

chic list

Links and more links brought me to this. Which I thought was really interesting. So I'm gonna paste (either in exact words, or edited a little) from the site those that fit my definition of chic.

Here goes:

- Has good manners
- Is passionate about something — art, business, communication, philosophy etc
- Respects his- or herself & other people
- Doesn’t betray confidence, aka can keep things private
- Has excellent posture
- Practises “right speech” — meaning, does their best to only say things which are constructive, helpful &/or positive
- Looks after their nails

- Travels across the city for what she thinks are the best croissants, coffee or olives
- Is organised (stylishly, of course)
- Only spends her time with people who make her feel good
- Takes responsibility for himself

- Can cook, eats well & drinks a lot of water
- Takes care of their possessions (shines their shoes, cleans their bathroom, hand-washes any delicate clothing, etc.)
- Has distinct personal style, from clothing to hairstyle to handwriting
- Lives life to full capacity every day
- Has things that are what I call “signature” — personal elements that define them, which are distinctly individual. This can range from a way of walking to a tone of voice to a love for anything vintage

- Takes time to appreciate other people, objects and nature and can relate positive sentiments to the aforementioned
- Someone who is not afraid of showing the world who she really is

Sunday, April 15, 2007

new found or reacquainted? perhaps both.

So I ordered this from amazon yesterday. Yay-ness!

I may have found a love tantamount, if not bigger, to what I have for fashion. It makes me insanely ecstatic.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

magnify the good of others

I know of a friend who have a strong sense of her own style. She inspires me to be true to my style when in questions of doubt. It's not about totally ignoring words of other people, but essentially listening to your own inner voice. I love her for knowing and being who she is. It's being sure of yourself that makes you admirable and lovable.

You can always learn a thing or two from the people around you. (:

Friday, April 13, 2007

i need a metaphor

When a storm is cooking within
what I desperately need
is to be alone

Other times
trash talking does the trick


Dad: Drink this before you go out.
Me: What's that?
*Drinks anyway
Dad: Just leave it, I wash for you.

It's the little things like this,
that reminds me of how much I love him,
no matter what.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I love writing chinese.
But the three words that I can never be happy with, is ironically my name.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

ambiguity might be my only way out

There's a reason
Why someone is, and someone's not
The reason's plain and clear to me
I'm trapped somewhere in between
Well, seeing is never believing