Monday, April 16, 2007

chic list

Links and more links brought me to this. Which I thought was really interesting. So I'm gonna paste (either in exact words, or edited a little) from the site those that fit my definition of chic.

Here goes:

- Has good manners
- Is passionate about something — art, business, communication, philosophy etc
- Respects his- or herself & other people
- Doesn’t betray confidence, aka can keep things private
- Has excellent posture
- Practises “right speech” — meaning, does their best to only say things which are constructive, helpful &/or positive
- Looks after their nails

- Travels across the city for what she thinks are the best croissants, coffee or olives
- Is organised (stylishly, of course)
- Only spends her time with people who make her feel good
- Takes responsibility for himself

- Can cook, eats well & drinks a lot of water
- Takes care of their possessions (shines their shoes, cleans their bathroom, hand-washes any delicate clothing, etc.)
- Has distinct personal style, from clothing to hairstyle to handwriting
- Lives life to full capacity every day
- Has things that are what I call “signature” — personal elements that define them, which are distinctly individual. This can range from a way of walking to a tone of voice to a love for anything vintage

- Takes time to appreciate other people, objects and nature and can relate positive sentiments to the aforementioned
- Someone who is not afraid of showing the world who she really is